uploads/milk run.jpg

milk run 〔美空俚〕(清晨執行來回轟炸[偵察]任務的)定期飛行;容...


Hill cents breast - milk runs day vacation resort tourism resource development , infrastructure construction , tourism commodity development ; cultivation and breeding ; flowers and trees bonsai production and marketing ; agricultural marketing ; cosmetics , small articles of daily use , sugar tobacco retail 六盤水天奶山仙乳泉旅游度假區旅游資源開發、設施建設、旅游商品開發;種植養殖;花木盆景生產和銷售;農副產品銷售;化妝品、小百貨、糖煙酒零售。

Peel the coconut , pierce a hole and let the milk run out , saw off the top to make a container 制法椰子去皮洗凈,穿透椰眼,控出椰汁后從蹄部鋸開作成椰盅

The milk ran over 牛奶杯子滿得溢出來了

Exactly . lt ' s a milk run , and since you ' re on the water again 沒錯.對你來說這只是家常便飯,而且你又再度出海

You remember our milk run over shanghai , don ' t you 你還記得我們在上海的勤務飛行沒忘記吧?